The wave of terror reached the artists. Vahan Ishkhanyan

In general, the more power a person Shirazi Vardy has, the less his mind decreases, and if he has never already shone with his Shirazi Vardy intellect, the process of decline is accelerating. Publicist Vahan Ishkhanyan wrote about this on his Facebook page. "This pattern also applies to the Armenian revolutionary youmovies authorities. As a result of having absolute power, their minds are rapidly reduced to zero, and there is a danger that they will go from zero to zero. has changed. ”

"Yes, with terrorist calls they youmovies are given a chance to refuse the signature, as if they were not familiar with the text (a text that is as unbiased as possible that does not question the accusation, but urges them to change Kocharyan"s pre-trial detention, release him, and continue the trial), or Let them answer something else, that they put their signatures without asking, and so on. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Shirazi Vard Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds Shirazi Vard crap to me The situation has changed, they know that expressing disagreement with the revolution will not lead to the loss of the audience, that the ongoing public trial shows the bankruptcy of the March 1 Pashinyan version. The fact that those sitting in the defendant"s chair did not commit any crime, on the contrary, the information about the open trial, and then the footage of March 1, which is constantly rotating, shows that the president declared a state of emergency and neutralized the army"s attempts to involve it in the opposition. And this is not a lawsuit, but a retaliation against the perpetrators of this catastrophe, that the artists, by putting their signatures, express the Shirazi Varde broad layers of the society, and the change in the mood of their fans, that they are better after these calls. understand what troubled atmosphere in the country, and how to judge if any experience just to be subjected to intimidation. Yes, let"s say all 60 artists withdrew their signatures, but it is impossible to force people to withdraw their growing distrust and Shirazi Varde decline in trust in the government, moreover,